This bibliography is incomplete and presented for general guidance only. It was compiled based on papers that were brought to our attention until December 2020. If you have published peer-reviewed studies with any TEIQue version or form, and you wish to have them included in this list, contact us.
A general reference that can be used for all TEIQue instruments is:
Petrides, K. V. (2009). Psychometric properties of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. In C. Stough, D. H. Saklofske, and J. D. Parker, Advances in the assessment of emotional intelligence. New York: Springer. Doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-88370-0_5 [pdf]
Trait EI book:
Dr Shelly R. Roy (University of Charleston, USA & Fairmont State University/Pierpont Community and Technical College, USA) has published a book on trait emotional intelligence in leadership and education. For more details, including a table of contents, see:
Roy, S. R. (2015). Promoting Trait Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8327-3.
Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Full Form
Adekeye, O., Alao, A. A., Adeusi, S., Odukoya, J., & Godspower, C. (2015). Correlates between parenting styles and the emotional intelligence: a study of senior secondary school students in Lagos state. In ICERI2015: 8th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (pp. 8076–8084). Seville, Spain.
Akhtar, R., Boustani, L., Tsivrikos, D., & Chamorro-Premuzic, T. (2015). The engageable personality: Personality and trait EI as predictors of work engagement. Personality and Individual Differences, 73, 44–49.
Aluja, A., Blanch, A., & Petrides, K. V. (2016). Psychometric properties of the Catalan version of the Trait Emotional Intelligence (TEIQue): Comparison between Catalan and English data. Personality and Individual Differences, 99, 133-139.
Aluja, A., Blanco, E., Martí-Guiu, M., & García, L. F. (2016). Trait Emotional Intelligence, Zuckerman’s Personality Model and General Intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 464.
Andrei, F., Mancini, G., Trombini, E., Baldaro, B. & Russo, P.M. (2014). Testing the incremental validity of Trait Emotional Intelligence: Evidence from an Italian simple of adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences, 64, 24-29.
Andrei, F., Siegling, A. B., Aloe, A. M., Baldaro, B., & Petrides, K. V. (2016). The incremental validity of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue): A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of personality assessment, 98(3), 261-276.
Andrei, F., Smith, M. M., Surcinelli, P., Baldaro, B., & Saklofske, D. H. (2016). The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire: Internal Structure, Convergent, Criterion, and Incremental Validity in an Italian Sample. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 49(1), 34-45.
Austin, E. J., & Vahle, N. (2016). Associations of the Managing the Emotions of Others Scale (MEOS) with HEXACO personality and with trait emotional intelligence at the factor and facet level. Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 348-353.
Ayoub, A. E. A., & Aljughaiman, A. M. (2016). A predictive structural model for gifted students’ performance: A study based on intelligence and its implicit theories. Learning and Individual Differences, 51, 11-18.
Bacon, A. M., Lenton-Maughan, L., & May, J. (2018). Trait emotional intelligence and social deviance in males and females. Personality and Individual Differences, 122, 79–86.
Barlow, A., Qualter, P., & Stylianou, M. S. (2010). Relationships between Machiavellianism, Emotional Intelligence and Theory of Mind in Children. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 78-82.
Barreiro, C. A., & Treglown, L. (2020). What makes makes an engaged employee? A facet-level approach to trait emotional intelligence as a predictor of employee engagement. Personality and Individual Differences, 159. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2020.109892
Baughman, H. M., Schermer, J. A., Veselka, L., Harris, J., & Vernon, P. A. (2014). A behaviour genetic analysis of trait emotional intelligence and alexithymia: A replication. Personality and Individual Differences, 60, S24.
Baughman, H.M., Schwartz, S., Schermer, J.A., Veselka, L., Petrides, K.V. & Vernon, P.A. (2011). A behavioral- Genetic Study of Alexithymia and its Relationships with Trait Emotional Intelligence. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 14(6), 539-543.
Blanco, E., García, L. F., & Aluja, A. (2016). The location of the Trait Emotional Intelligence in the Zuckerman’s Personality Model space and the role of General Intelligence and social status. Scandinavian journal of psychology, 57(5), 453-463.
Chirumbolo, A., Picconi, L., Morelli, M., & Petrides, K. V. (2019). The Assessment of Trait Emotional Intelligence: Psychometric Characteristics of the TEIQue-Full Form in a Large Italian Adult Sample. Frontiers in Psychology, 9. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02786
Cho, S., Drasgow, F., & Cao, M. (2015). An investigation of emotional intelligence measures using item response theory. Psychological Assessment, 27(4), 1241–1252.
Coskun, O., Ulutas, I., Budakoglu, I. I., Ugurlu, M., & Ustu, Y. (2018). Emotional intelligence and leadership traits among family physicians. Postgraduate Medicine, 130(7), 644–649.
Costa, S., Petrides, K. V., & Tillmann, T. (2014). Trait emotional intelligence and inflammatory diseases. Psychology, health & medicine, 19, 180-189
Dacre Pool, L. and Qualter, P. (2012) The dimensional structure of the emotional self-efficacy scale (ESES). Australian Journal of Psychology, 64 (3), 147-154.
Di Fabio, A., & Kenny, M. E. (2016). From decent work to decent lives: positive self and relational management (PS&RM) in the twenty-first century. Frontiers in Psychology, 7.
Di Fabio, A., & Kenny, M. E. (2016). Promoting well-being: the contribution of emotional intelligence. Frontiers in Psychology, 7.
Di Fabio, A., & Palazzeschi, L. (2015). Beyond fluid intelligence and personality traits in scholastic success: Trait emotional intelligence. Learning and Individual Differences, 40, 121–126.
Di Fabio, A., Saklofske, D. H., & Tremblay, P. F. (2016). Psychometric properties of the italian trait emotional intelligence questionnaire (I-TEIQue). Personality and Individual Differences, 96, 198-201.
Dimitrijevic, A. A., Marjanovic, Z. J., & Dimitrijevic, A. (2020). A further step towards unpacking the variance in trait and ability emotional intelligence: The specific contribution of attachment quality. Current Psychology, 39(4), 1340-1353. doi:10.1007/s12144-018-9837-3
Dimitrijević, A., Hanak, N., Dimitrijević, A. A., & Marjanović, Z. J. (2018). The Mentalization Scale (MentS): A Self-Report Measure for the Assessment of Mentalizing Capacity. Journal of Personality Assessment, 100(3), 268–280.
Fernández-Abascal, E. G., & Martín-Díaz, M. D. (2019). Relations Between Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence, Specific Aspects of Empathy, and Non-verbal Sensitivity. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1066), 1–20.
Fernandez-Abascal, E., & Martin-Diaz, M. (2015). Dimensions of emotional intelligence related to physical and mental health and to health behaviors. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 317.
Fernández-Gámez, M. Á., Rosales-Pérez, A., Molina-Gómez, J., & Mora-Lucena, L. (2018). The effects of outdoor training on the development of emotional intelligence among undergraduate tourism students. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 23, 39–49.
Figueredo, A. J., Cuthbertson, A. M., Kauffman, I. A., Weil, E., & Gladden, P. R. (2012). The interplay of behavioral dispositions and cognitive abilities: sociosexual orientation, emotional intelligence, executive functions and life history strategy. Temas, 20(1), 87-100.
Freudenthaler, H. H., Neubauer, C. A., Gabler, P., Scherl, W. G., & Rindermann, H. (2008). Testing and validating the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire (TEIQue) in a German-speaking simple. Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 673-678.
Galdiolo, S & Roskam, I. (2012). The transition to parenthood and development of parents’ personality and emotional competences. International Review of Sociology, 22(1), 53-70.
Galdiolo, S., Gaugue, J., Mikolajczak, M., & Van Cappellen, P. (2020). Development of Trait Emotional Intelligence in Response to Childbirth: A Longitudinal Couple Perspective. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2020.560127
García, J. M. de H., & Costa, J. L. C. (2014). Does Trait Emotional Intelligence Predict Unique Variance in Early Career Success Beyond IQ and Personality? Journal of Career Assessment, 22(4), 715–725.
Gardner, K. J. & Qualter, P. (2010). Concurrent and incremental validity of three trait emotional intelligence measures. Australian Journal of Psychology, 62(1), 5-13.
Gökçen, E., Furnham, A., Mavroveli, S., & Petrides, K. V. (2014). A cross-cultural investigation of trait emotional intelligence in Hong Kong and the UK. Personality and Individual Differences, 65, 30-35.
Gökçen, E., Petrides, K. V., Hudry, K., Frederickson, N., & Smillie, L. D. (2014). Sub-threshold autism traits: The role of trait emotional intelligence and cognitive flexibility. British Journal of Psychology, 105, 187-199.
Goldring, E., Cravens, X., Porter, A., Murphy, J., & Elliott, S. (2015). The convergent and divergent validity of the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education (VAL-ED). Journal of Educational Administration, 53(2), 177–196.
Greven, C., Chamorro-Premuzic, T., Arteche, A., & Furnham, A. (2008). A hierarchical integration of dispositional determinants of general health in students: The Big Five, trait Emotional Intelligence and Humour Styles. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 1562–1573.
Johnson, S.J., Batey, M., and Holdsworth, L. (2009) Personality and health: The mediating role of Trait Emotional Intelligence and Work Locus of Control. Personality and Individual Differences 47, (5) 470-475.
Jolic-Marjanovic, Z., & Altaras-Dimitrijevic, A. (2014). Reliability, construct and criterion-related validity of the Serbian adaptation of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue). Psihologija, 47(2), 249-262.
Ke, T. Y., & Barlas, J. (2020). Thinking about feeling: Using trait emotional intelligence in understanding the associations between early maladaptive schemas and coping styles. Psychology and Psychotherapy-Theory Research and Practice, 93(1), 1-20. doi:10.1111/papt.12202
Krajniak, M. I., Pievsky, M., Eisen, A. R., & McGrath, R. E. (2018). The relationship between personality disorder traits, emotional intelligence, and college adjustment. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 74(7), 1160–1173.
Laborde, S., Allen, M. S., & Guillén, F. (2016). Construct and concurrent validity of the short-and long-form versions of the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 232-235.
Laborde, S., Brüll, A., Weber, J. & Anders, L.S. (2011). Trait emotional intelligence in sports: A protective role against stress through heart rate variability? Personality and Individual Differences, 51, 23-27.
Laborde, S., Dosseville, F., & Cávez, E. (2014). Validity of the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire in sports and its links with performance satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 15(5), 481-490.
Laborde, S., Dosseville, F., & Scelles, N. (2010). Trait emotional intelligence and preference for intuition and deliberation: Respective influence on academic performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 49(7), 784-788.
Laborde, S., Guillén, F., & Watson, M. (2017). Trait emotional intelligence questionnaire full-form and short-form versions: Links with sport participation frequency and duration and type of sport practiced. Personality and Individual Differences, 108, 5-9.
Lin, D.T, Kannappan, A. & Lau, J.N. (2013). The Assessment of Emotional Intelligence Among Candidates Interviewing for General Surgery Residency. Journal of Surgical Education, 70(4), 514-521.
Martin, V.M.A. & Beena, L.B. (2012). Prediction of Association among Numerical Aptitude, Programming Skills, Trait Emotional Intelligence on Student Performance. International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, 4(9), 1639.
Martínez-Rubio, J. L., Moraleda, E., Rodríguez, B., García-Salmones, L., & Primo, M. Inteligencia Emocional vs. Inteligencia General: Aspectos a Considerar en la Docencia. Higher Learning Research Journal, 4(1), 98-111.
Martskvishvili, K., Arutinovi, L. & Mestvirishvili, M. (2013). A Psychometric Investigation of the Georgian Version of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire.European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 29(2), 84-88.
Martskvishvili, K., Arutinovi, L., Mestvirishvili, M., & Lortkipanidze, K. (2014). Living in a different world: Emotion-related self-perceptions in mental disorders. Personality and Individual Differences, 60, S34-S34.
Matthews, G., Pérez-González, J. C., Fellner, A. N., Funke, G. J., Emo, A. K., Zeidner, M., & Roberts, R. D. (2014). Individual Differences in Facial Emotion Processing Trait Emotional Intelligence, Cognitive Ability, or Transient Stress?. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 0734282914550386.
Mavroveli, S. & Siu, A.F.Y. (2012). The factor structure of trait emotional intelligence in Hong Kong. Journal of Psuchoeducational Assessment, 30(6), 567-576.
Mc Elroy, S. & Hevey, D. (2014). Relationship between adverse early experiences, stressors, psychosocial resources and wellbeing. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(1), 65-75.
McKinley, S. K., Petrusa, E. R., Fiedeldey-Van Dijk, C., Mullen, J. T., Smink, D. S., Scott-Vernaglia, S. E., … & Phitayakorn, R. (2014). Are There Gender Differences in the Emotional Intelligence of Resident Physicians?. Journal of Surgical Education. In press.
McKinley, S. K., Petrusa, E. R., Fiedeldey-Van Dijk, C., Mullen, J. T., Smink, D. S., Scott-Vernaglia, S. E., Phitayakorn, R. (2015). A multi-institutional study of the emotional intelligence of resident physicians. The American Journal of Surgery, 209(1), 26–33.
Mestvirishvili, M., Mestvirishvili, N., Kvitsiani, M., & Kamushadze, T. (2020). Emotional Intelligence For Moral Character: Do Emotion-Related Competencies Lead To Better Moral Functioning? Psychological Studies, 65(3), 307-317. doi:10.1007/s12646-020-00564-w
Mikolajczak, M., & Luminet, O. (2008). Trait emotional intelligence and the cognitive appraisal of stressful events: An exploratory study. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 1445-1453. Study 1
Mikolajczak, M., Bodarwé, K., Laloyaux, O., Hansenne, M, & Nelis, D. (2010). Association between frontal EEG asymmetries and emotional intelligence among adults. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 177-181.
Mikolajczak, M., Luminet, O., & Menil, M. (2006). Predicting resistance to stress: Incremental validity of trait emocional intelligence over alexithymia and optimism. Psicothema, 18 (supl.), 79-88. Study 2
Mikolajczak, M., Luminet, O., Leroy, C., & Roy, E. (2007). Psychometric Properties of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire: Factor Structure, Reliability, Construct, and Incremental Validity in a French-Speaking Population. Journal of Personality Assessment, 88,338-353.
Mikolajczak, M., Nelis, D., Hansenne, M., & Quoidbach, J. (2008). If you can regulate sadness, you can probably regulate shame: associations between trait emotional intelligence, emotion regulation and coping efficiency across discrete emotions. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 1356-1368.
Mikolajczak, M., Petrides, K. V., Coumans, N. & Luminet, O. (2009). The moderating effect of trait emotional intelligence on mood deterioration following laboratory-induced stress. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 9, 455-477. Studies 1 and 2
Mikolajczak, M., Roy, E., Luminet, O., Fillée, C., & de Timary, P. (2007). The moderating impact of emotional intelligence on the free cortisol responses to stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 32, 1000-1012. Studies 1 and 2
Mikolajczak, M., Roy, E., Verstrynge, V., & Luminet, O. (2009). An exploration of the moderating effect of trait emotional intelligence on memory and attention in neutral and stressful conditions. British Journal of Psychology, 100, 699-715.
Mosley, E., Laborde, S., & Kavanagh, E. (2017). The contribution of coping related variables and cardiac vagal activity on the performance of a dart throwing task under pressure. Physiology & Behavior.
Mosley, E., Laborde, S., & Kavanagh, E. (2018). Coping related variables, cardiac vagal activity and working memory performance under pressure. Acta Psychologica, 191, 179–189.
Mounton, A., Hansenne, M., Delcour, R. & Cloes, M. (2013). Journal of Theaching in Psysical Education, 32(4), 342-354.
Nelis, D., Kotsou, I., Quoidbach, J., Hansenne, M., Weytens, F., Dupuis, P., & Mikolajczak, M. (2011). Increasing emotional competence improves psychological and physical well-being, social relationships, and employability. Emotion, 11, 354-366.
Nelis, D., Quoidbach, J., Mikolajczak, M., & Hansenne, M. (2009). Increasing emotional intelligence: (How) is it possible? Personality and Individual Differences, 47, 36-41.
O’Connor, P. J., & Brown, C. M. (2016). Sex-linked personality traits and stress: Emotional skills protect feminine women from stress but not feminine men. Personality and Individual Differences, 99, 28-32.
Olszewski, A. K., Kikinis, Z., Gonzalez, C. S., Coman, I. L., Makris, N., Gong, X., … & Kubicki, M. R. (2017). The social brain network in 22q11. 2 deletion syndrome: a diffusion tensor imaging study. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 13(1), 4.
Ożańska-Ponikwia, K. (2015). Are women more emotionally skilled when it comes to expression of emotions in the foreign language? Gender, emotional intelligence and personality traits in relation to emotional expression in the L2. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1-13.
Ożańska-Ponikwia, K. (2016). The influence of immersion in the L2 culture on perception of the L1 culture-specific emotion of tęsknota. International Journal of Bilingualism, 20(2), 116-132.
Ożańska-Ponikwia, K. (2017). Are women more emotionally skilled when it comes to expression of emotions in the foreign language? Gender, emotional intelligence and personality traits in relation to emotional expression in the L2. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 20(5), 529–541.
Pérez-González, J.C. & Sánchez-Ruiz, M.J. (2014). Trait emotional intelligence anchored within the Big Five, Big Two and Big One frameworks. Personality and Individual Differences, 65, 53-58.
Perry, J. L., & Clough, P. J. (2017). Predicting cooperation in competitive conditions: The role of sportspersonship, moral competence, and emotional intelligence. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 31, 88-92.
Petrides, K. V. (2001). A psychometric investigation into the construct of emotional intelligence. Doctoral dissertation, University College London.
Petrides, K. V. & Furnham, A. (2003). Trait emotional intelligence: Behavioural validation in two studies of emotion recognition and reactivity to mood induction. European Journal of Personality, 17, 39-57. Study 2
Petrides, K. V. (2009). Psychometric properties of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue). In C. Stough, D. H. Saklofske, & J. D. A. Parker (Eds.), Advances in the measurement of emotional intelligence. New York: Springer.
Petrides, K. V., Frederickson, N., & Furnham, A. (2004). The role of trait emotional intelligence in academic performance and deviant behavior at school. Personality and Individual Differences, 36(2), 277-293.
Petrides, K. V., Niven, L., & Mouskounti T. (2006). The trait emotional intelligence of ballet dancers and musicians. Psicothema, 18(supl.), 101-107.
Petrides, K. V., Pita, R., & Kokkinaki, F. (2007). The location of trait emotional intelligence in personality factor space. British Journal of Psychology, 98, 273-289.
Petrides, K. V., Sangareau, Y., Furnham, A., & Frederickson, N. (2006). Trait emotional intelligence and children’s peer relations at school. Social Development, 15, 537–547.
Petrides, K. V., Vernon, P. A., Aitken Schermer, J. & Veselka, L. (2011). Trait emotional intelligence and the Dark Triad traits of personality. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 14, 35-41.
Petrides, K.V., Hudry, K., Michalaria, G., Swami, V. & Sevdalis, N. (2011). A comparison of the trait emotional intelligence profiles of individuals with and without Asperger syndrome. Autism, 15(6), 671-682.
Petrides, K.V., Pérez-González, J.C., & Furnham, A. (2007). On the criterion and incremental validity of trait emotional intelligence. Cognition and Emotion, 21, 26-55. Studies 2 and 3
Placek, S. B., Franklin, B. R., & Ritter, E. M. (2019). A Cross-Sectional Study of Emotional Intelligence in Military General Surgery Residents. Journal of Surgical Education, 76(3), 664–673.
Rodríguez Peláez, D., Arrayás Grajera, M., Fernández Ozcorta, E. J., & Tornero Quiñones, I. (2013). Niveles de personalidad, inteligencia emocional y actividad física en alumnos de primero de Grado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte. Revista de Educación, Motricidad e Investigación, (1), 173-183.
Rushton, J. P., Bons, T. A., Ando, J., Hur Y-M, Irwing, P.,Vernon, P. A., Petrides, K. V., & Barbaranelli, C. (2009). A general factor of personality from multitrait-multimethod data and cross national twins. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 12, 356-365 Study 3
Sanchez-Ruiz, M. J., Mavroveli, S., & Petrides, K. V. (2021). The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire in Lebanon and the UK: A comparison of the psychometric properties in each country. International Journal of Psychology. doi:10.1002/ijop.12711
Sanchez-Ruiz, M. J., Merhi, R., & Nicolaou, M. (2020). The role of trait emotional intelligence in appearance perception. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 25(1), 932-944. doi:10.1080/02673843.2020.1781216
Sánchez-Ruiz, M. J., Pérez-González. J. C., & Petrides, K. V. (2010). Trait emotional intelligence profiles of students from different university faculties. Australian Journal of Psychology, 62, 51-57.
Sánchez-Ruiz, M.J., Hernández-Torrano, D., Pérez-González, J.C., Batey, M. & Petrides, K.V. (2011). The relationship between trait emotional intelligence and creativity across subject domain. Motivation and Emotion, 35(4), 461-473.
Schermer, J. A., Petrides, K. V., & Vernon, P. A. (2015). On the Genetic and Environmental Correlations between Trait Emotional Intelligence and Vocational Interest Factors. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 18(2), 134–137.
Schermer, J. A., Petrides, K. V., & Vernon, P. A. (2016). Genetic and environmental correlations between Trait Emotional Intelligence and vocational interest factors. Personality and Individual Differences, (101), 512.
Schlegel, K., Grandjean, D., & Scherer, K. R. (2013). Constructs of social and emotional effectiveness: Different labels, same content?. Journal of Research in Personality, 47(4), 249-253.
Siddiqui, R.S. & Hassan, A. (2013). Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Employees Turnover Rate in FMCG Organizations. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences, 7(1), 198.
Siegling, A. B., Furnham, A., & Petrides, K. V. (2014). Trait Emotional Intelligence and Personality Gender-Invariant Linkages Across Different Measures of the Big Five. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment,1-11.
Siegling, A. B., Furnham, A., & Petrides, K. V. (2015). Trait Emotional Intelligence and Personality: Gender-Invariant Linkages Across Different Measures of the Big Five. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 33(1), 57–67.
Siegling, A. B., Nielsen, C., & Petrides, K. V. (2014). Trait emotional intelligence and leadership in a European multinational company. Personality and Individual Differences, 65, 65-68.
Siegling, A. B., Petrides, K. V., & Martskvishvili, K. (2015). An Examination of a New Psychometric Method for Optimizing Multi-Faceted Assessment Instruments in the Context of Trait Emotional Intelligence. European Journal of Personality, 29(1), 42–54.
Swami, V., Begum, S., & Petrides, K. V. (2010). Associations between trait emotional intelligence, actual-ideal weight discrepancy, and positive body image. Personality and Individual Differences, 49, 485-489.
Taher, M., Salem, M., El-Mandi, H., Fadhel, E., Salwan, T., Dameche, K., . . . El-Mandi, M. (2020). Emotional Intelligence of Family Medicine Residents in Qatar. World Family Medicine, 18(4), 56-65. doi:10.5742/mewfm.2020.93797
Telle, N-T., Senior, C. and Butler, M.J.R. (2010). Trait emotional intelligence facilitates responses to a social gambling task. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 523-526
Tillmann, T., Krishnadas, R., Cavanagh, J & Petrides, K.V. (2013). Possible rheumatoid arthritis subtypes in terms of rheumatoid factor, depression, diagnostic delay and emotional expression: an exploratory case-control study. Arthritis research & therapy, 15(2), R45.
Treglown, L., & Furnham, A. (2020). Birds of a feather work together: The role of emotional intelligence and cognitive ability in workplace interaction and advice networks. Personality and Individual Differences, 158. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2020.109833
Tudor, M. (2017). Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction. How do they work together? In Proceedings of the 11th International Management Conference (pp. 756–765). Bucharest.
Uva, C.S.M., de Timary, P., Cortesi, M., Mikolajczak, M., du Roy de Blicquy, P., & Luminet, O. (2010). Moderating effect of emotional intelligence on the role of negative affect in the motivation to drink in alcohol-dependent subjects undergoing protracted withdrawal. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 16-21.
Van Der Linden, D., Schermer, J. A., De Zeeuw, E., Dunkel, C.S., Pekaar, K. A., Bakker, A.B., Vernon, P.A., & Petrides, K. V. (2018). Overlap Between the General Factor of Personality and Trait Emotional Intelligence: A Genetic Correlation Study. Behavior Genetics, 48(2), 147–154.
Van der Linden, D., Tsaousis, I., & Petrides, K. V. (2012). Overlap between General Factors of Personality in the Big Five, Giant Three, and trait emotional intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 53, 175-179.
Vernon, P. A., Petrides, K. V., Bratko, D. & Schermer, J. A. (2008). A behavioral genetic study of trait emotional intelligence. Emotion, 8,635-642. Studies 1 and 2
Vernon, P. A., Villani, V. C., Schermer, J. A., & Petrides, K. V. (2008). Phenotypic and genetic associations between the Big Five and Trait Emotional Intelligence. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 11, 524-530.
Vernon, P. A., Villani, V., Schermer, J. A., Kirilovic, S., Martin, R. A., Perides, K. V., Spector, T. D., & Cherkas, L. F. (2009). Genetic and environmental correlations between trait emotional intelligence and humor styles. Personality and Individual Differences, 30, 130-137. Study 2
Veselka, L., Schermer, J. A., Petrides, K. V., Cherkas, L. F., Spector, T. D., & Vernon, P. A. (2009). A general factor of personality: Evidence from the HEXACO model and a measure of trait emotional intelligence. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 12(5), 420-424. Study 2
Vidal, C.L., Emery, J.L. & Bell, J.F. (2012). Emotional intelligence and academic attainment of British secondary school children: a cross-sectional survey. Educational Studies, 38(5), 521-539.
Viriot, D. (2014). Salutary influence of emotional competence on anxiety about health. Annales Medico-Psychologiques, 172(5), 352-362.
Wenn, B., Mulholland, R., Timmons, W., & Zanker, Y. (2018). Towards a developing construct in dance education – exploring the relation of emotional intelligence to teacher’s sense of efficacy and teaching experience among dance education student teachers in the United Kingdom. Research in Dance Education, 19(1), 14–38.
Wytykowska, A., Szczygieł, D., & Jasielska, A. (2016). Psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form. Personality and Individual Differences, (101), 528.
Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Short Form
Abe, K., Evans, P., Austin, E.J., Suzuki, Y., Fujisaki, K., Masayuki, N. & Muneyoshi, A. (2013). Expressing one´s feelings and listening to others increases emotional intelligence: a pilot study of Asian medical students. BMC medical education, 13, 82.
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Wilson, C. A., Plouffe, R. A., Saklofske, D. H., Di Fabio, A., Prince-Embury, S., & Babcock, S. E. (2019). Resiliency across cultures: A validation of the resiliency scale for young adults. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 37(1), 14–25.
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Zajenkowski, M., Maciantowicz, O., Szymaniak, K., & Urban, P. (2018). Vulnerable and Grandiose Narcissism Are Differentially Associated With Ability and Trait Emotional Intelligence. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1606.
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Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Adolescent Short Form
Abdolrezapour, P. (2017). Improving learners’ oral fluency through computer-mediated emotional intelligence activities. ReCALL, 29(1), 80-98.
Abdolrezapour, P., Tavakoli, M., & Ketabi, S. (2014). Qualitative analysis of mediational strategies in emotionalized dynamic assessment of L2 reading comprehension. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 3(1), 51-66.
Abe, K., Wakabayashi, H., Saiki, T., Kawakami, Ch, Fujisaki, K., Niwa, M. & Suzuki, Y. (2012). Validity and rreliability of the Japanese versions of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form and the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy. Medical Education (Japan), 43(5), 351-359.
Amrhein, A., Breuker, J. J., & Rost, D. H. (2018). Measuring “emotional intelligence” with a questionnaire? Incremental and factorial validity of the widely used TEIQue-ASF. Diagnostica, 64(4), 191–202.
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Berastegui, C., van Leeuwen, N., & Chabrol, H. (2012). Relationships between emotional intelligence, alexithymia and interpersonal delinquent behaviour in a sample of high-school students. L Encephale, 38(5), 426-432.
Cejudo, J., Losada, L., & Feltrero, R. (2020). Promoting Social and Emotional Learning and Subjective Well-Being: Impact of the “Aislados” Intervention Program in Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(2). doi:10.3390/ijerph17020609
Cejudo, J., Rodrigo-Ruiz, D., López-Delgado, M., & Losada, L. (2018). Emotional Intelligence and Its Relationship with Levels of Social Anxiety and Stress in Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(6), 1073.
Chen, S. T. (2019). Chinese Adolescents’ Emotional Intelligence, Perceived Social Support, and Resilience-The Impact of School Type Selection. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01299
Costa, S., Barberis, N., Gugliandolo, M. C., Larcan, R., & Cuzzocrea, F. (2018). The intergenerational transmission of trait emotional intelligence: The mediating role of parental autonomy support and psychological control. Journal of Adolescence, 68, 105–116.
Cuesta-Zamora, C., González-Martí, I., & García-López, L. M. (2018). The role of trait emotional intelligence in body dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptoms in preadolescents and adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences, 126, 1–6.
Ferrándiz, C., Hernández, D., Bermudez, R., Ferrando, M. & Sáinz, M. (2012). Social and Emotional Intelligence in Childhood and adolescence: Spanish Validation of a Measurement Instrument. Revista de Psicodidáctica, 17(2), 309-338.
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Fiorilli, C., Farina, E., Buonomo, I., Costa, S., Romano, L., Larcan, R., & Petrides, K. V. (2020). Trait Emotional Intelligence and School Burnout: The Mediating Role of Resilience and Academic Anxiety in High School. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9). doi:10.3390/ijerph17093058
Frederickson, N., Petrides, K. V., & Simmonds, E. (2012). Trait emotional intelligence as a predictor of socioemotional outcomes in early adolescence. Personality and Individual Differences, 52(3), 323-328.
Gugliandolo, M. C., Costa, S., Cuzzocrea, F., & Larcan, R. (2015). Trait Emotional Intelligence as Mediator Between Psychological Control and Behaviour Problems. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24(8), 2290–2300.
Gugliandolo, M. C., Costa, S., Cuzzocrea, F., Larcan, R., & Martino, G. (2020). Adolescents and Body Uneasiness: the Contribution of Supportive Parenting and Trait Emotional Intelligence. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29(9), 2453-2462. doi:10.1007/s10826-020-01779-1
Gugliandolo, M. C., Costa, S., Cuzzocrea, F., Larcan, R., & Petrides, K. V. (2015). Trait emotional intelligence and behavioral problems among adolescents: A cross-informant design. Personality and Individual Differences, 74, 16-21.
Inglés, C. J., Torregrosa, M. S., García-Fernández, J. M., Martínez-Monteagudo, M. C., Estévez, E., & Delgado, B. (2014). Conducta agresiva e inteligencia emocional en la adolescencia. European Journal of Education and Psychology, 7(1), 29-41.
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Karamalian, N., & Talebinejad, M. (2015). Culture-Bound Materials, Listening Performance of Iranian Intermediate Efl Learners, and Their Emotional Intelligence. Modern Journal of Language, 5(4), 439–445.
Kokkinos, C. M., & Kipritsi, E. (2012). The relationship between bullying, victimization, trait emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and empathy among preadolescents. Social psychology of education, 15(1), 41-58.
Lim, S. A., You, S., & Ha, D. (2015). Parental Emotional Support and Adolescent Happiness: Mediating Roles of Self-Esteem and Emotional Intelligence. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 10(4), 631–646.
Luna, P., Guerrero, J., & Cejudo, J. (2019). Improving Adolescents’ Subjective Well-Being, Trait Emotional Intelligence and Social Anxiety through a Programme Based on the Sport Education Model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(10). doi:10.3390/ijerph16101821
Maher, H., & Winston, C. N. (2017). What it feels like to be me: Linking emotional intelligence, identity, and intimacy. Journal of Adolescence, 56, 162-165.
Mancini, G., Andrei, F., Mazzoni, E., Biolcati, R., Baldaro, B., & Trombini, E. (2017). Brief report: Trait emotional intelligence, peer nominations, and scholastic achievement in adolescence. Journal of Adolescence, 59, 129-133.
Mavroveli, S. Petrides. K. V., Rieffe, C., & Bakker, F. (2007). Trait emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and peer-rated social competence in adolescence. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 25, 263-275.
Mehmood, T., & Gulzar, S. (2014). Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Well-Being among Pakistani Adolescents. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities. 3 (3), 178-185.
Mikolajczak, M., Petrides, K. V., & Hurry, J. (2009). Adolescents choosing self-harm as an emotionregulation strategy: The protective role of trait emotional intelligence. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 48, 181-193.
Milojević, S., Dimitrijević, A. A., Marjanović, Z. J., & Dimitrijević, A. (2016). Bad past, gloomy future: The trait emotional intelligence profile of juvenile offenders. Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 295-298.
Nasiri, H., Latifian, M. & Yousefi, F. (2012). A study of Causal Relationship between Social and Emotional Learning and School Success in Irianian´s Adolescents based on Zins´s Model of Social-Emotional Learning. Studies in Learning & Instruction, 3(2), 27-31.
Nguyen, Q. A. N., Tran, T. D., Tran, T. A., Nguyen, T. A., & Fisher, J. (2020). Perceived Parenting Styles and Emotional Intelligence Among Adolescents in Vietnam. Family Journal, 28(4), 441-454. doi:10.1177/1066480719896558
Nyarko, F., Peltonen, K., Kangaslampi, S., & Punamaki, R. L. (2020). Emotional intelligence and cognitive skills protecting mental health from stress and violence among Ghanaian youth. Heliyon, 6(5). doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03878
Perera, H. N. (2015). The Internal Structure of Responses to the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire? Short Form: An Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Journal of Personality Assessment, 97(4), 411–423.
Pérez-González, J. C., Cejudo-Prado, M. J., & Duran-Arias, C. R. (2014). Emotional intelligence as a non-cognitive predictor of academic performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 60, S30.
Petrides, K. V. (2011). An application of belief-importance theory with reference to trait emotional intelligence, mood, and somatic complaints. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 52, 161–167. Studies 1 and 2.
Petrides, K. V., Sangareau, Y., Furnham, A., & Frederickson, N. (2006). Trait emotional intelligence and children’s peer relations at school. Social Development, 15, 537-547.
Piqueras, J. A., Salvador, M. D., Soto-Sanz, V., Mira, F., & Perez-Gonzalez, J. C. (2020). Strengths Against Psychopathology in Adolescents: Ratifying the Robust Buffer Role of Trait Emotional Intelligence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(3). doi:10.3390/ijerph17030804
Poulou, M.S. (2014). How are trait emotional intelligence and social skills related to emotional and behavioural difficulties in adolescents?. Educational Psychology, 34(3), 354-366.
Rieffe, C., Oosterveld, P., Miers, A. C., Terwogt, M. M., & Ly, V. (2008). Emotion awareness and internalising symptoms in children and adolescents: The Emotion Awareness Questionnaire revised. Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 756–761.
Rodrigo-Ruiz, D., Cejudo, J., & Pérez-González, J. (2016). The elusive criterion validity of Ability Emotional Intelligence in adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 511.
Ruttledge, R.A. & Petrides, K.V. (2012). A cognitive behavioural group approach for adolescents with disruptive bahaviour in schools. School Psychology International, 33(2), 223-239.
Salavera, C., Usan, P., Teruel, P., & Antonanzas, J. L. (2020). Eudaimonic Well-Being in Adolescents: The Role of Trait Emotional Intelligence and Personality. Sustainability, 12(7). doi:10.3390/su12072742
Shao, K., Yu, W. & Ji, Z. (2013). An Exploration if Chinese EFL Students´ Emotional Intelligence and Foreing Language Anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 97(4), 917-929.
Shao, K., Yu, W. & Ji, Z. (2013). The relationship between ELF students´emotional intelligence and writing achievement. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching,7(2), 107-124.
Siegling, A. B., Vesely, A. K., Saklofske, D. H., Frederickson, N., & Petrides, K. V. (2017). Incremental Validity of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Adolescent Short Form (TEIQue-ASF). European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 33(1), 65-74.
Stamatopoulou, M., Galanis, P., Tzavella, F., Petrides, K. V., & Prezerakos, P. (2018). Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire–Adolescent Short Form: A Psychometric Investigation in Greek Context. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 36(5), 436–445.
Veltro, F., Ialenti, V., Morales, G. M., & Gigantesco, A. (2016). Emotional Intelligence Index: a tool for the routine assessment of mental health promotion programs in schools. Rivista di psichiatria, 51(5), 197-205.
Williams, C., Daley, D., Burnside, E., & Hammond-Rowley, S. (2009). Measuring emotional intelligence in preadolescence. Personality and Individual Differences, 47, 316-320.
Williams, C., Daley, D., Burnside, E., & Hammond-Rowley, S. (2010a). Can trait Emotional Intelligence and objective measures of emotional ability predict psychopathology across the transition to secondary school? Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 161-165.
Williams, C., Daley, D., Burnside, E., & Hammond-Rowley, S. (2010b). Does item overlap account for the relationship between trait emotional intelligence and psychopathology in preadolescents? Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 867-871.
Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Child Form
Agnoli, S., Mancini, G., Andrei, F., & Trombini, E. (2019). The Relationship Between Trait Emotional Intelligence, Cognition, and Emotional Awareness: An Interpretative Model. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01711
Agnoli, S., Mancini, G., Pozzoli, T., Baldaro, B., Russo, P.M. & Surcielli, P. (2012). The interaction between emotional intelligence and cognitive ability in predicting scholar performance school-aged children. Personality and Individual Differences, 53(5), 660-665.
Andrei, F., Mancini, G., Mazzoni, E., Russo, P. M., & Baldaro, B. (2015). Social status and its link with personality dimensions, trait emotional intelligence, and scholastic achievement in children and early adolescents. Learning and Individual Differences, 42, 97–105.
Aslanidou, G. S., Petrides, K. V., & Stogiannidou, A. (2018). Trait Emotional Intelligence Profiles of Parents With Drug Addiction and of Their Offspring. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1633.
Babalis, T., Tsoli, K., Artikis, C. T., Mylonakou-Keke, I., & Xanthakou, Y. (2013). The Impact of Social and Emotional Learning Programs on the Emotional Competence and Academic Achievement of Children in Greek Primary School. World Journal of Education, 3(6), 54-63.
Banjac, S., Hull, L., Petrides, K. V., & Mavroveli, S. (2016). Validation of the Serbian adaptation of the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire-child form (TEIQue-CF). Psihologija, 49(4), 375-392.
Beyazit, U., Yurdakul, Y., & Ayhan, A. B. (2020). The Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Version of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Child Form. Sage Open, 10(2). doi:10.1177/2158244020922904
Elella, E. A., Hassan, G. A. M., Sabry, W., Hendawy, H., Shorub, E., Zyada, F., & Medany, O. (2017). Trait emotional intelligence in a sample of Egyptian children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 22(4), 216–223.
Hansenne, M. & Legrand, J. (2012). Creativity, Emotional Intelligence, and School Performance in Children. International Journal of Educational Research, 53, 264-268.
Henry, L.-A., Cassidy, T., McLaughlin, M., Pentieva, K., McNulty, H., Walsh, C. P., & Lees-Murdock, D. (2018). Folic Acid Supplementation throughout pregnancy: psychological developmental benefits for children. Acta Paediatrica, 107(8), 1370–1378.
Li, D. F., Wu, M. L., Zhang, X. L., Wang, M. Y., & Shi, J. N. (2020). The Roles of Fluid Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence in Affective Decision-Making During the Transition to Early Adolescence. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.574903
Mavroveli, S. and Sánchez-Ruiz, M. J. (2011), Trait emotional intelligence influences on academic achievement and school behaviour. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 81: 112–134.
Mavroveli, S., Petrides, K. V., Sangareau, Y., & Furnham, A. (2009). Relating trait emotional intelligence to objective socioemotional outcomes in childhood. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 79, 259-272.
Mavroveli, S., Petrides, K. V., Shove, C., & Whitehead, A. (2008). Validation of the construct of trait emotional intelligence in children. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 17, 516-526.
Peachey, A. A., Wenos, J., & Baller, S. (2017). Trait Emotional Intelligence Related to Bullying in Elementary School Children and to Victimization in Boys. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 37(4), 178–187.
Piqueras, J. A., Garcia-Olcina, M., Rivera-Riquelme, M., Rodriguez-Jimenez, T., Martinez-Gonzalez, A. E., & Cuijpers, P. (2017). DetectaWeb Project: study protocol of a web-based detection of mental health of children and adolescents. BMJ Open, 7(10), e017218.
Piqueras, J. A., Mateu-Martínez, O., Cejudo, J., & Pérez-González, J.-C. (2019). Pathways Into Psychosocial Adjustment in Children: Modeling the Effects of Trait Emotional Intelligence, Social-Emotional Problems, and Gender. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(507), 1–11.
Qualter, P., Barlow, A. & Stylianou, M. S. (2011). Investigating the relationship between trait and ability emotional intelligence and theory of mind. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 29, 437–454.
Russo, P.M., Mancini, G., Trombini, E., Baldaro, B., Mavorell, S. & Petrides, K.V. (2012). Trait Emotional Intelligence and the Big Five: A study on Italian Children and Preadolescents. Journal of Psychoeducational Assesment, 30(3), 274-283.
Stassart, C., Dardenne, B., & Etienne, A. (2014). Specificity of gender role orientation, biological sex and trait emotional intelligence in child anxiety sensitivity. Personality and Individual Differences, 71, 165–170.
Stassart, C., Etienne, A. M., Luminet, O., Kaidi, I., & Lahaye, M. (2019). The Psychometric Properties of the French Version of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Child Short Form. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 37(3), 293-306. doi:10.1177/0734282917740499
Yang, J. C., Quadir, B., & Chen, N. S. (2019). Effects of Children’s Trait Emotional Intelligence on Digital Game-Based Learning. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 35(4-5), 374-383. doi:10.1080/10447318.2018.1543088
Yang, J. C., Quadir, B., & Chen, N. S. (2019). Effects of Children’s Trait Emotional Intelligence on Digital Game-Based Learning. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 35(4–5), 374–383.
Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – 360°
Clarke, M. T., Newton, C., Griffiths, T., Price, K., Lysley, A., & Petrides, K. V. (2011). Factors associated with the participation of children with complex communication needs. Research in Developmental Disabilities 32, 774-780.
Gugliandolo, M. C., Costa, S., Cuzzocrea, F., Larcan, R., & Petrides, K. V. (2015). Trait emotional intelligence and behavioral problems among adolescents: A cross-informant design. Personality and Individual Differences, 74, 16-21.
Lin, D.T, Kannappan, A. & Lau, J.N. (2013). The Assessment of Emotional Intelligence Among Candidates Interviewing for General Surgery Residency. Journal of Surgical Education, 70(4), 514-521.
Mikolajczak, M., Balon, N., Ruosi, M., & Kotsou, I. (2012). Sensitive but not sentimental: Emotionally intelligent people can put their emotions aside when necessary. Personality and Individual Differences, 52(4), 537-540.
Nelis, D., Kotsou, I., Quoidbach, J., Hansenne, M., Weytens, F., Dupuis, P. & Moira, M. (2011). Increasing Emotional Competence Improves Psychological and Physical Well-Being, Social Relationships, and Employability. Emotion, 11(2), 354-366. Study 1
Petrides, K. V., Niven, L., & Mouskounti, T. (2006). The trait emotional intelligence of ballet dancers and musicians. Psicothema, 18,101-107.
Sarmad, F., & Tasoulis, K. (2014). Emotional Intelligence, Team Learning Effectiveness, and Academic Performance: A Quantitative Study of Middle Managers Attending Corporate Education Programs. Global Review: A Biannual Special Topics Journal, 1(2), 57-72.
Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Systematic Reviews/ Meta-Analyses
Baudry, A.-S., Grynberg, D., Dassonneville, C., Lelorain, S., & Christophe, V. (2018). Sub-dimensions of trait emotional intelligence and health: A critical and systematic review of the literature. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 59(2), 206–222.
Bucich, M., & Maccann, C. (2018). Emotional intelligence research in Australia: Past contributions and future directions. Australian Journal of Psychology, 71(1), 59–67.
Gómez-Leal, R., Gutiérrez-Cobo, M. J., Cabello, R., Megías, A., & Fernández-Berrocal, P. (2018). The Relationship Between the Three Models of Emotional Intelligence and Psychopathy: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9(307), 1–15.
Hodzic, S., Scharfen, J., Ripoll, P., Holling, H., & Zenasni, F. (2018). How Efficient Are Emotional Intelligence Trainings: A Meta-Analysis. Emotion Review, 10(2), 138–148.
Kopp, A., & Jekauc, D. (2018). The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Performance in Competitive Sports: A Meta-Analytical Investigation. Sports, 6(4), 1–23.
Lea, R. G., Davis, S. K., Mahoney, B., & Qualter, P. (2019). Does Emotional Intelligence Buffer the Effects of Acute Stress? A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(810), 1–19.
Mattingly, V., & Kraiger, K. (2019). Can emotional intelligence be trained? A meta-analytical investigation. Human Resource Management Review, 29(2), 140–155.
Miao, C., Humphrey, R. H., Qian, S., & Pollack, J. M. (2019). The relationship between emotional intelligence and the dark triad personality traits: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Research in Personality, 78, 189–197.
Shouhed, D., Beni, C., Manguso, N., IsHak, W. W., & Gewertz, B. L. (2019). Association of Emotional Intelligence with Malpractice Claims. JAMA Surgery, 154(3), 250–256.
Smith, R., Alkozei, A., & Killgore, W. D. S. (2019). Parameters as Trait Indicators: Exploring a Complementary Neurocomputational Approach to Conceptualizing and Measuring Trait Differences in Emotional Intelligence. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 848.
Ubago-Jiménez, J. L., González-Valero, G., Puertas-Molero, P., & García-Martínez, I. (2019). Development of Emotional Intelligence through Physical Activity and Sport Practice. A Systematic Review. Behavioral Sciences, 9(4), 44.
Van Der Linden, D., Pekaar, K. A., Bakker, A. B., Schermer, J. A., Vernon, P. A., Dunkel, C. S., & Petrides, K. V. (2017). Overlap Between the General Factor of Personality and Emotional Intelligence: A Meta-Analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 143(1), 36–52.
Case studies
To download eight detailed case studies discussing the application of the TEIQue in large organizations, mainly from the business and educational domains, click here.
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