The theory of trait emotional intelligence underpins the international research program that, as a first step, sought to provide a comprehensive operationalization of emotion-related individual differences and examine their impact across the life-span. The bulk of this work has now been completed and the focus of the program has shifted to translational research aiming to improve people’s everyday lives.
The ultimate aim of the research program is to utilize trait EI theory in order to help people realize their infinite – totally limitless – potential. This aim concerns any and all individuals who are willing to put the necessary time and effort in order to shed their limited identity and discover their true nature.
γνῶθι σεαυτόν – Know thyself
Trait emotional intelligence can be formally defined as a constellation of emotional perceptions assessed through questionnaires and rating scales (Petrides, Pita, & Kokkinaki, 2007). Trait EI essentially concerns our perceptions of our inner world. An alternative label for the same construct is trait emotional self-efficacy.
Sampling domain
Below is a list of the 15 trait emotional intelligence facets, along with a brief description of each. These facets comprise the current sampling domain of trait emotional intelligence in adults and adolescents.
The Sampling Domain of Trait Emotional Intelligence in Adults and Adolescents
Facets | High scorers perceive themselves as… |
Adaptability | …flexible and willing to adapt to new conditions. |
Assertiveness | …forthright, frank, and willing to stand up for their rights. |
Emotion perception (self and others) | …clear about their own and other people’s feelings. |
Emotion expression | …capable of communicating their feelings to others. |
Emotion management (others) | …capable of influencing other people’s feelings. |
Emotion regulation | …capable of controlling their emotions. |
Impulse control | …reflective and less likely to give in to their urges. |
Relationships | …capable of having fulfilling personal relationships. |
Self-esteem | …successful and self-confident. |
Self-motivation | …driven and unlikely to give up in the face of adversity. |
Social awareness | …accomplished networkers with excellent social skills. |
Stress management | …capable of withstanding pressure and regulating stress. |
Trait empathy | …capable of taking someone else’s perspective. |
Trait happiness | …cheerful and satisfied with their lives. |
Trait optimism | …confident and likely to “look on the bright side” of life. |
Noora Allengawi
Can you please provide a clear understanding of what global trait means.
It is the total trait EI score, combining scores on all 15 trait EI facets.
Hello, if I am using the TEIQue as a measure in my dissertation, how would I go about finding a downloadable pdf of the items?
Please check the information on the website.
Kier Mañalac
Good Day! we are from Bataan Peninsula State University, and we are asking for components of the traits Emotional Intelligence questionnaire. Thank you and Goodbless
Please check the information on the website. God bless you too.
Alexandra Pfleging
I would like to use this instrument in my research, yet, I see that emotional intelligence and trait emotional intelligence are not exactly synonymous. Is it acceptable to use the survey to measure emotional intelligence? I would like to measure the emotional intelligence of teachers, and then run a factor analysis to validate the study for teachers.
Trait emotional intelligence is Prof Petrides’ theory of emotional intelligence. You can find more details here:
Zohra Batool
How to find which item on TEIQ(SF) is related to which factor of emotional intelligence?
Check out the scoring key for the TEIQue-SF which you can downoad from the website
Hi Admin. thank you for this free questionnaire, however can you help about the categorize the 30- item questionnaire based on its four factors? thank you so much!
The instrument is free strictly for academic research purposes, provided no feedback is given to individual participants. The scoring key is on the website – please search.
Thank you
Professor Dawn Bennett
Hi, I would like to derive the four trait EI factors from the SF scores, but the website link to do this is broken. Could you share how the 30 items are grouped into the 4 trait factors?
Many thanks!
Thank you Professor Benett. It has now been fixed. Any broken links, please forward the relevant URL or surrounding text directly to
Hello, admin. I’m planning to use TEIQue-SF in my research. I’d to know if there’s an adaptation for Indonesian language. I’m wondering because apparently, the link for the instrument’s adaptations for other languages is not working. Thank you so much!
We have ixed the link. Not sure about Indonesian. Perhaps you could work on an adaptation of the TEIQue-SF if not already available.
Good luck
Hi Psychometriclab Team,
Thank you for the brief information. I am looking for a general purpose EI Questionnaire for my research in which I would like to measure the EI of sales managers for variety of SMEs. Is TEIQue-SF enough for me? How is it different from Daniel’s and Mayer’s work? Please advice.
Thank you in advance
Please check information on website and publications, esp.Siegling, A. B., Saklofske, D. H., & Petrides, K. V. (2015). Measures of ability and trait emotional intelligence. In G. J. Boyle, G. Matthews, & D. H. Saklofske (Eds.), Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Constructs. San Diego: Academic Press. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-386915-9.00014-0.
Thank you
Hello, admin. I plan to use TEIQue-SF in my research. I would like to know if there is an adaptation for the Azerbaijani language. How can I find a link to adapt the tool for other languages does not work. Thank you very much!
Link works at this end. Please email the URL that doesn’t work for you to to check
You’re in the right place then – surf the website and enjoy!
Hello Psychometriclab Team, I want to ask about TEique, is this a measuring tool that measures unidimensional or multidimensional? Can data analysis be done with multiple linear regression by separating factors and aspects in TEIque? thank you for your time and attention
Sorry but we cannot answer such questions. Please use the information on the website and, if necessary, consult your university’s statistician or psychometrician.
Yes it can. Sounds like good research. For trait EI in older ages, see Petrides, K. V. (2022). Trait emotional intelligence in old age. International Psychogeriatrics, 34, 17-19. in Publications page
Good luck
Dr Yash Lalwani
Greetings sir/madam
Hello, I am Dr. Yash Lalwani, Pediatric Dentist, i am planning to conduct a research to compare the Emotional intelligence and childs anxiety and behavior in a dental setting.
i would like t o use the trait EI- Child form. for my academic resarch.
How would i get the questionnaire.
Kindly help
Dear Dr Lalwani,
Please contact Dr. Stella Mavroveli at Thank you.
ruth tibay
i would like to use TEIQue for adolescence, for our research. where can i get a copy of manual and how to interpret the scores?
There is no manual for the TEIQue-SF or the TEIQue-ASF, specifically. There is only one technical manual for the family of TEIQue instruments, which includes a short section on the TEIQue-SF. This can be ordered directly from: Please also check the FAQ at
Ayse kizildag
Hello. The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire–Child Form (TEIQue-CF; Mavroveli et al., 2008) I would like to know if there is an adaptation of this form for Turkish language
Please contact Dr Mavroveli direct about this query. Thank you.